Different Approaches to Osteoporosis Prevention

The United States has around 44 million American suffering from osteoporosis and 68 percent of them are women. This disease is considered as a major health problem due to the 1.5 million average fractures it brings every year,medical research says. This problem has led to the development of many treatment options. One of the medical discoveries about this condition is that being heavy is better among those who are suffering from osteoporosis.

Deterioration of the bone happens when one is afflicted with the medical condition called osteoporosis. A bone density test may be done to diagnose or confirm it. In order to prevent the consequences of osteoporosis like bone breakage, this procedure can determine if you need an osteoporosis preventive medication.

Doctors may suggest you several types of therapies to help you in dealing the fractures that comes with osteoporosis. In addition, you may also be asked to adjust your diet and/or engage in regular exercises according to your need. Drug therapy alone may not produce the most desired outcome of the treatment.

Bisphosphonate drugs are presently the most preferred treatment for osteoporosis. They reduce bone loss by preventing bone resorption and lower the risk of spine and hip fracture. The alendronate drug Fosamax is the best example of this drug.

One of the most used osteoporosis treatment before biphosphonates came in the picture was estrogen hormone therapy. Primarily, the hormone estrogen increases bone formation and reduces bone resorption which prevents bone loss. The mechanism is similar to the testosterone replacement therapy which may be prescribed to men who have osteoporosis.

Nutrition, exercise, and safety considerations are the top priorities of a successful treatment program. People suffering from osteoporosis need to have adequate amount of vitamin D and calcium in their diet. Weight bearing are also important like walking and hiking.

There are many approaches for treating osteoporosis. The best treatment program can only be advised by a medical professional who knows your medical history. Advantages and disadvantages are expected in every kind of treatment. For example, the bisphosphonate medication Fosamax has been known to cause severe adverse events, among them atypical fracture of the femur. The drug company that manufactured it somehow failed to provide complete disclosure of the hazard. Right now, it is facing a Fosamax class action lawsuit.


