Fosamax Issues and Treatments

Men and women alike are susceptible to osteoporosis.. Yet due to the decrease in estrogen production during the menopausal period of women, they are more affected. This reproductive hormone is vital in bone formation and bone remodeling. According to the World Health Organization, around 2.5 standard deviation DXA of bone mineral density (BMD) is found in every osteoporosis patient. There is no marked symptoms associated with this bone anomaly but there is an increase of bone breakage among osteoporosis patient. Specific types of medication such as biphosphonates and lifestyle changes are the common treatments for this kind of medical condition. The increase of Fosamax issues has made medical organizations to have a goal of reduced osteoporosis fractures by 20%. Heart attacks, strokes, and new breast cancer effects should be more dangerous than osteoporosis but statistics prove otherwise. A lot of money is also spent on this bone condition. And this will continue to rise as trends had shown.

A medical condition where degeneration of the bone occurs is called osteoporosis. Old age is seen as a culprit but it can still be caused by many other factors. Bones being brittle, porous, and prone to fracture are always the result.

Formulation of many osteoporosis treatments are being made in order to save any people. Lifestyle changes in diet, exercise and fracture risk prevention are the top treatments currently made for this medical condition. Yet, along with the previously noted lifestyle changes, biphosphonates, vitamin K, vitamin D, and calcium supplements, and estrogen.

The commonly prescribed drug for those who have osteoporosis is antiresorptive or bone anabolic agents such as biphosphonates. An example biphosphonate drug is Fosamax which is a medication normally prescribed to patients. Patients with osteoporosis who are using biphosphonate drugs for the first four years showed improvement in bone strengthening and risk prevention. However, reports from long-term Fosamax users of five years or more claim that the drug caused atypical, low-impact femur fractures, striking an additional blow to the accumulating lists of Fosamax adverse effects. And many people have now filed a Fosamax lawsuit because of these femur fractures.
